"Breath" "Live" "Enjoy"
one of our package deals!
May - June:
May 20th en 21st the European Rowing Championships for Juniors are held on the beautiful Lac du Causse (known to rowers as Le Petit Luzerne). We wish all Belgians and French all the best for the World Rowing Championships 2023 on 5 and 6 August held in Paris as well.
The 35th Festival Nuits de Nacre take place during the week-end of 30 June to 2 July at Tulle, bringing you no less than 30 concerts. More info? Follow this link.
Limoges will host the Tour de France for the 16th time on 8 July after a 201 km stage. The day after, the Tour de France will depart from Saint-Léonard-de-Noblat, city of Raymond Poulidor, towards le Puy de Dôme for a 184 km mountain stage. We are already at the side of the road to encourage all Belgian cyclists. All info on the Tour de France, vive le vélo, here
Summer music festivals. Throughout the entire summer, visitors can enjoy a music festival in our region;
From 25 to 29 July: Festival 1001 Notes in Limoges. For more information, click here.
From 20 to 23 July: Music Festival in Brives-la-Gaillarde. For more information, click here.
The Famous Farmers' Markets:. (from early July until the end of August);
Do you prefer an evening of conviviality and local music? With local producers presenting their most delicious dishes. It's up to you to choose which dish you want to try. There is no shortage of choice, nor of company here. This is the meeting place for many locals and tourists. Feel like ending the evening with a dance? To the sound of festive music... playing until late at night.
August :
15 August - The Festival of Mount Gargan.
An absolute must for all those who love traditional costumes, beautiful music and ancient dances. For the 58th time, this festival will once again take place at the top of Mont Gargan.
For more information, click here.
September :
23 and 24 September - Les Montgolfiades de Rocamadour.
This is a wonderful show of dozens of hot aire balloons that everyone must have attended at least once in life. Yes, you as well. For more information, click here.
October :
October 17 to 23: Accordion Festival in Chamberet.
Chamberet is also called the Accordion Village. If this instrument touches you deeply, this festival is for you. You can find more information by clicking here.
From October to April :
This 5-day sporty stay will allow you to discover the small roads of the Limousin countryside from early October until the end of April, according to your availabilities.
While walking, recharging your batteries. Admiring the landscapes around the Briance river and at the foot of Mount Gargan. Places to remember and places for reflection.
Here, nature is extraordinary relaxing. Enjoy the fresh air of our region for five reviving days. Enjoy fresh air in these great green lungs of Europe and bring your mind and body into balance again.
For more information click here.